Thunder Mountain Mining Company.  We mine the mineral "Spamite". Crush it up in the mill and sell it to Armour Corp as an additive to to their canned meat product. Hence, the name "Spam".Southern Pacific #1003 switching LCL at Atlantic Storage.One of the Richard Churchill structures on the layout.Eagle Express crossing the Martinez Trestle. My youngest son, Trevor, and I built this trestle together when he was seven. He just turned 43! Great family hobby. A beautiful custom hand built trestle by Lowell Thomas.  This will eventually span the Edna River Gorge.  (Edna, being Lowell's sweet wife).Yes, we do have de-railments from time to time, and a heavy duty crain really helps!Gondola load of mesh rebar headed to Eagle Pass for tunnel construction.Sweetwater Yards on a rainy day.
Yep, that's me!
Driving the 100 year old #7 Shay to the top of Bear Mountain, California.       Whooo-ha
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...... to the Sweetwater & Thunder Mountain Short Line Railroad. This is an HO scale model railroad under construction with all of the joy and frustration that a project such as this brings!


Layout Update

S&TM Photos


<<<<  All new "Layout Update."   Check it out!!
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NEW!! Southern Pacific 7026 U28B Video! Emergency stop at Martinez Tunnel.   Turn up your volume!   CLICK HERE
NEW!!   Shay geared logging loco on its way down Thunder Mountain.  Turn up your volume and CLICK HERE
Special Note: If you are trying to reach the Train Depot Las Vegas website, you have been directed here during Site Construction. TDLV will be up and running soon with great deals on products from Walthers, NEC, Atlas, Kato, MRC and many more.  Thanks for your patience, Mark <><